Wishing Wellness Health Coach

A Health Coach is a supportive mentor and wellness authority who helps others feel their best through individualized food and lifestyle changes that meet their unique needs and health goals.

Ren works with Wishing Wellness Functional Medicine clients to help them reach their health goals.

Join Ren for monthly wellness classes, included in both primary care and fucntional medicine Wishing Wellness memberships.


#healthyliving #wellness #nutrition #supplements #diseases #TaiChi #DPC #medicine #medical #health #doctors #md #functionalMedicine #healthyliving #diseases #holistichealth #Vegas #lasvegas #vegasdoc #FunctionalMedicineMD #functionalMedicineLasVegas #LasVegasFM #VegasMD #primarycareVegas #DirectPrimaryCareLasVegas #SummerlinFunctionalMedicine #HendersonFunctionalMedicine #FunctionalMedicineDrScott
#BCSM #LCSM #Lyphoma #BTSM #pwme #ChildhoodCancer #hidradenitissuppurativa #ProstateCancer #OVCA #AFib #Migraine #SpinalCordInjury #ColonCancer #Diabetes #Parkinsons #autoimmunedisorder