We all want our immune system to be as strong as possible. Dr. Scott works with patients to help create actionable steps to implement immune supportive strategies that work for you.
Here at Wishing Wellness we are huge advocates of eating a healthy diet. Processed foods, preservatives, refined sugar, gluten and dairy are hard on the body as they increase inflammation. Eliminating those foods and incorporating high quality vegetables, fruits, healthy proteins and fats is the best thing you can do for your body. Also eating fermented foods like kimchi or sauerkraut support the immune system by increasing helpful bacteria within the microbiome. Using fresh herbs and foods like ginger, garlic and turmeric will also help reduce inflammation thus help fight infection more effectively.
Sleep is vital for the development of your body’s immune system. Poor sleep or chronic insomnia can increase stress hormones, promote inflammation and make your body more susceptible to infection.
Exercise can help improve your sleep and fight stress, which are both important for immune function. Getting just 30 minutes of outdoor walking not only helps strength your body but it is also great to get fresh air and sunshine.
We talk a lot about self care on our Wishing Wellness social media. Self care is vital for our mental well-being which ultimately helps support our immune system. Stress is a normal part of life, and these days especially, it’s important to take active steps towards minimizing stress. Making time for things that relax you whether it is taking a walk, meditating, doing yoga, reading a book, or watching a show or movie are important for our health.
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