Medical Cannabis at Wishing Wellness

Cannabis has been used medicinally for thousands of years and recently there been a resurgence in the exploration and research into the medical benefits of this powerful herb.

CBD is the most studied non-psychoactive cannabinoid. It has been shown to have numerous benefits for conditions including seizure, anxiety, chronic pain, skin conditions and even insomnia.

Pharmaceutical grade CBD is available to treat certain forms of inherited epilepsy as well as children with autism have also seen tremendous improvements in their symptoms.

As we learn more about the safety and efficacy of cannabis it is important to have a physician who is knowledgable about the use of cannabis to treat medical conditions and help navigate forms of administration, dose and timing of the products etc.

There are drug interactions that affect the use of all medications including CBD so we are here to make sure you have the right support when navigating the use, administration and dosing in the safest, most effective way possible.

At Wishing Wellness we are committed to helping normalize the use of medical cannabis and make sure you are getting the safest and most effective medicinal use out of your prescription.

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