Signs that your body is in need of a detox include:
achy joints or muscles, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, allergies, gas, or more serious problems such as autoimmune diseases, migraines, asthma, acne, irritable bowel, reflux, arthritis and others.
Steps you can take to start Detoxing today:
1. Eat organic (especially the dirty dozen)
2. Take curcumin (Check out our website to see Dr. Scott's recommended brands)
3. Take high quality probiotics (Check out our website to see Dr. Scott's recommended brands)
4. Fermented foods (kombucha see our how to make your own videos)
5. Eat more cruciferous vegetables
6. Take taurine
7. Epsom salt bath
8. Get sunlight
9. Take activated charcoal
10. Sweat!